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Donate Bone Marrow for Money

Most people are familiar with bone marrow donations for transplants. The process is generally among family members and the donations are without compensation. However, rising in popularity is bone marrow donation where the bank pays for quality marrow. They prefer to accept marrow from healthy people between the ages of 18-60. You can donate your marrow today. Most donors can expect to receive $125 for 25-cubic centimeters; $200 for 50-cubic centimeters; $450 for 100-cubic centimeters of bone marrow.
Requirements for Donation
Not everyone can donate their bone marrow. Do research and learn everything you can about the topic of donating. Make certain you read about the risks involved in donating, also called, "bone marrow aspiration."
You must be between the ages of 18-60, a body mass index of less than 40, be in good health, be free of any sexually transmitted diseases, and have not donated whole blood in the last 56-days. There is a list which goes into more extensive details at: marrow.org.
Know your facts. Some individuals are asked to cover the costs involved with tissue typing. This is a test which will see what tissue type you are and will match your donation with a recipient. Sometimes this test can costs about $52. There may be additional tests and examinations involved to make certain you don't possess any genetic or infectious diseases which can be passed on to the transplant recipient.
Undergoing the Procedure
There are two different types of removing bone marrow. One procedure may cause more pain than the other. One procedure involves removing blood stem cells collected directly from your blood. This procedure is called, peripheral blood stem cell donation (PBSC). For about four days before the procedure, you will be given a medication to stimulate the production of blood stem cells, so there are more in your blood stream. The medication is generally an injection. On the fifth day, the blood stem cells are collected from your blood donation using a process called, apheresis. This process generally takes about four to six hours. This type of donating procedure is less painful. The second type of procedure is called, aspiration. The process involves an incision with the insertion of a 25-guage needle which penetrates the bone. Often times it removes bone marrow from the hip area or the iliac crest of the pelvic. Usually, an anesthetic is given. This type of procedure is more painful. Some clinics do not offer both procedures and generally offer one procedure of their choice.
After Your Appointment
Many people, after donating their bone marrow, feel weak for seven to fourteen days. About a week after the donation, the tests results on your bone marrow should be complete and a check will be sent to you in the mail.
Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur and has been making a living online for over 12 years. He has been totally free from the 9 to 5 rat race since 1998 and enjoys every moment of it! Would you like to make more money starting today? Then join Scott on a journey of over 1,000 Ways to Make Money and 1,000 Money Making Ideas at 1000MoneyMakingIdeas.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Lindsa
Requirements for Donation
Not everyone can donate their bone marrow. Do research and learn everything you can about the topic of donating. Make certain you read about the risks involved in donating, also called, "bone marrow aspiration."
You must be between the ages of 18-60, a body mass index of less than 40, be in good health, be free of any sexually transmitted diseases, and have not donated whole blood in the last 56-days. There is a list which goes into more extensive details at: marrow.org.
Know your facts. Some individuals are asked to cover the costs involved with tissue typing. This is a test which will see what tissue type you are and will match your donation with a recipient. Sometimes this test can costs about $52. There may be additional tests and examinations involved to make certain you don't possess any genetic or infectious diseases which can be passed on to the transplant recipient.
Undergoing the Procedure
There are two different types of removing bone marrow. One procedure may cause more pain than the other. One procedure involves removing blood stem cells collected directly from your blood. This procedure is called, peripheral blood stem cell donation (PBSC). For about four days before the procedure, you will be given a medication to stimulate the production of blood stem cells, so there are more in your blood stream. The medication is generally an injection. On the fifth day, the blood stem cells are collected from your blood donation using a process called, apheresis. This process generally takes about four to six hours. This type of donating procedure is less painful. The second type of procedure is called, aspiration. The process involves an incision with the insertion of a 25-guage needle which penetrates the bone. Often times it removes bone marrow from the hip area or the iliac crest of the pelvic. Usually, an anesthetic is given. This type of procedure is more painful. Some clinics do not offer both procedures and generally offer one procedure of their choice.
After Your Appointment
Many people, after donating their bone marrow, feel weak for seven to fourteen days. About a week after the donation, the tests results on your bone marrow should be complete and a check will be sent to you in the mail.
Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur and has been making a living online for over 12 years. He has been totally free from the 9 to 5 rat race since 1998 and enjoys every moment of it! Would you like to make more money starting today? Then join Scott on a journey of over 1,000 Ways to Make Money and 1,000 Money Making Ideas at 1000MoneyMakingIdeas.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Lindsa
Category Article Bone Marrow